Services Offered

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy benefits people of all ages and is helpful in alleviating growing tension as a result of our modern lifestyle. Massage therapy is proven to help increase circulation, decrease blood pressure and decrease pain and discomfort by releasing your body's natural pain killers known as endorphins. Massage therapy can be used in both acute and chronic stages of healing.

Regular Swedish massage treatments will enhance your circulatory system, meaning that your muscles, tissues and other parts of your body will get more oxygen delivered to them each day. This outcome will increase muscle and joint health, in turn helping to prevent soft tissue injuries and dysfunction and shortening recovery time following an injury.

Massage therapy effects the nervous system by decreasing the body's stress response. This is why Massage is well known for it's effectiveness in increasing relaxation. For this reason, regular Massage Therapy treatments are often recommended as part of an overall stress management program.

Other benefits:
  • Increasing over all body awareness
  • Decreases migraines
  • Increases health of lymphatic system
  • Increases mobility
  • Decreases scar tissue caused by injury

To book an appointment with Amber, please send your request including the day and time you are looking for to the address below. We will be sure to respond promptly.

To book an appointment with Andrea, please send your request including the day and time you are looking for to the address below. We will be sure to respond promptly.

To book an appointment with Jennifer, please send your request including the day and time you are looking for to the address below. We will be sure to respond promptly.

Pre-natal Massage Therapy

Pregnancy brings about a series of transitions that the body must go through in order to support the growth and development of the unborn baby. As the baby grows, pressure from the uterus may impact other parts of the body resulting in discomfort, alterations in sensations, and swelling. Hormonal and physical changes, may also effect the emotional state of the mother, resulting in heightened stress levels and alterations in mood.

Although these symptoms are common and almost expected to some degree, they can greatly impact day to day life, causing disruptions in sleep, physical activity, comfort levels and impacting overall sense of wellbeing.

Massage Therapy is a safe and natural way to help decrease pain and discomfort, improve circulation, decrease swelling and promote relaxation. Massage can be highly beneficial during pregnancy as symptoms are commonly reported to have decreased or been alleviated soon after treatment.

In addition to aiding in the treatment of common ailments experienced during pregnancy, Massage Therapy can be an excellent way to help prepare the muscles and joints for labour and delivery. The back, neck, shoulders, hips, arms and legs, are all involved to some extent during labour and delivery . Massage helps to improve and maintain healthy muscle tone and improve flexibility, resulting in decreased muscle fatigue and soreness during labour and less chance of soft tissue injury during delivery.

Massage Therapy is commonly used to treat the following ailments experienced during pregnancy;

  • Low Back Pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Sciatica
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Swelling
  • Leg cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety

To book an appointment with Amber, please send your request including the day and time you are looking for to the address below. We will be sure to respond promptly.

To book an appointment with Jennifer, please send your request including the day and time you are looking for to the address below. We will be sure to respond promptly.